Pointing to the Three Principles as a paradigm allow us to more easily understand where our experience of life is actually coming from.
This understanding allows us to see that, moment to moment, we are experiencing our life because we have the power to formulate thought. Human beings are aware that they formulate thought., and we're doing it all of the time. Thought is fabric of our lives. We can't psychologically experience life without thought. Thought is the one of the three principles.
The next principle, consciousness, is best explained by seeing that consciousness is what gives us our ability to experience thought. Consciousness is the equipment that brings to life, so to speak, what our thought is up to. If thought is the formulator, it is consciousness that gives us it's full impact.
Mind as a principle can be the most difficult to articulate. Many different words, all pointing to the same thing, have been used. Universal Intelligence, Energy of all things, Higher Power, Nature, Spiritual Essence, Source of Enlightenment, are just a few I've heard used.
Thought and Consciousness when referred to as principles within this understanding, have no life of their own without the principle of Mind. Mind offers endless hope and potential that needs, in a sense, Thought and Consciousness for that potential to become actualized.